European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society


23 March 2022

EPOS Statement

As European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society we can only show our biggest condemnation against the war in Ukraine

Our whole support goes to all the victims of this atrocity which is leaving thousands of families homeless and divided.

It is also a reminder of the many other ongoing conflicts around the world, which are having a similar impact.

Our response to all of this will always be a unified voice against violence.

We believe in a fair world, where we stop judging others by their country of origin, which is extremely important to fight against these ongoing injustices.

Whilst the refugee program directed by the European Union and the unconditional support of Ukraine’s neighboring countries have mitigated the need for a medical mission for now, we are monitoring the situation closely to make our help available as and when needed. 

In the meantime, as a form of support, our society is organizing a charity run, to take place during our upcoming congress, in April, in Copenhagen and the funds collected from this event will go to the nonprofit foundation Terres des Hommes, Lausanne, Switzerland, to support all children refugees in the world.