European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society

Host Applications for Annual Meeting 2028


Throughout EPOS history the Local Host/National Paediatric Orthopaedic Society has always been an important partner for a successful congress. To ensure continuity, the EPOS Board has decided to use a Professional Congress Organiser (PCO) to organize the congress and social events. The local host will work together with the PCO and the EPOS Board to further make certain that the congress is a success within the financial parameters as set by the EPOS Board.

The Congress shall be held in a different European country each year. It may be held in any City sufficiently large to be readily accessible by the usual means of transport.

EPOS will invite applications from any National Paediatric Orthopaedic Society or from an individual EPOS Member, provided that the EPOS Member is supported (by signature) by their National Paediatric Orthopaedic Society.

The EPOS Executive Committee may accept applications from a National Paediatric Orthopaedic Society or from individual EPOS members that are supported by her/his National Paediatric Orthopaedic Society via a signed letter.

The potential Local Hosts shall present their plans for the Congress to the Executive Committee at least three years prior to the Congress date.

The Local Hosts should not involve themselves independently in any financial or contractual pre-arrangements with local authorities. The potential Local Host should only take an option with the congress venue for suitable spaces in the dates of the congress.

The deadline of submissions will be 30 September of the year prior to the year of final selection.

A Congress Advisory Committee consisting of three Board Members and the EPOS Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) will assess and negotiate the applications. Members of the Congress Advisory Committee will serve for three years.

The Congress Advisory Committee will then present the approved applications to the Executive Committee.

The Board shall present up to three options to the General Assembly at the EPOS Annual meeting and the membership will vote to select the future Congress Cities.

This organizational model will permit EPOS to develop meetings in locations of strategic interest to the association to ensure a mixture of solid educational and financial returns for the association.

Applications submitted by PCO’s will not be considered.

More information:

EPOS Annual Meeting Guidelines (updated as of 29 August 2024) | PDF Document | 12 pages | 403 Kb