April 2023
Online Replay / Webinar webcast:
EPOS YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/O41gg0iF3dk
EPOS Webinar platform: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/262977223811311280
Scientific Programme:
18h00 - Introduction. Cristina Alves, Portugal
18h05 - There is a Limb Length Discrepancy: Is Surgery Needed? Javier Downey, Spain
18h20 - Limb Length Discrepancy: One Option Does Not Fit All. Zagorka Pejin, France
18h35 - Paradigm shift to Intramedullary Limb Lengthening: Dos and Don’ts. Christof Radler, Austria
18h50 - Discussion. All
19h00 - Closure. Cristina Alves, Portugal