October 2022: Webinar I
Date and time: Wednesday 26th of October at 18h00 CET
Chair: René Castelein:
- Growth prediction with regards to scoliosis (Risser, Sanders, thoracic height…) by René Castelein, The Netherlands
- Different types of braces, night time or full time? by David Farrington, Spain
- Current evidence of bracing (age, when to wean it, how long/how many hours, BrAISt study) by Ilkka Helenius, Finland
- Evidence for physiotherapy (Schroth etc.) by Manuel Rigo, Spain
- Conclusion, take home messages and Q and A by René Castelein, The Netherlands
Online Replay / Webinar webcast:
Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/jPidYrEr12Y
Webinar platform: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/5135107856019323406