- Dates: 6-7 September 2023
- Scientific Programme: Scientific Programme | 8 pages | 866 KB | Print version
- Description: This event is aimed at pediatric orthopedic surgeons and fellows who want to improve their knowledge on rare bone disorders.
- CME Credits: 6 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) have been accredited for the course. Please note that each medical specialist should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the educational activity
- Expected educations outcomes:
- Get an understanding of the pathophysiology of the 5 most common rare bone diseases
- Get an understanding of the disease specific orthopedic and medical challenges in these 5 conditions.
- Learn about the musculo-skeletal problems and challenges both during childhood and adulthood in these conditions, including the “patient perspective” of the disease
- Learn about the best practice approach for upper- and lower limb problems
- Discuss own cases with the faculty
- Enjoy hand-on workshops and get familiar with different devices.
- At completion of the course, participants should have reached a greater understanding of the management of patients with rare bone disorders. This course will help orthopedic surgeons to improve patient care in these rare disorders and get them ready to meet the required standard of care in the 21st century in this field!
- Venue: Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna (Austria)
- Registration: https://otcommunity.m-anage.com/Home/Index/Event/sep2023/en-GB
- Fees (incl. 10% Austrian VAT)**:
- Course fees (incl. 10% VAT):
- Early registration fees* (valid until Sunday 13th of August 23:59):
- Participants EUR 450.00
- EPOS members** EUR 350.00
- Residents** EUR 300.00
- Late registration fees (as of Monday 14th of August. No registration possible onsite!):
- Participants EUR 550.00
- EPOS members* EUR 450.00
- Residents** EUR 400.00
* Proof of status mandatory
**The early registration fee is only when the payment is made before the early registration deadline
Registration fees include:
• Participation to all course educational activities
• Lunches & Coffee breaks
Expenses related to flights, accommodation, airport transfers, dinners etc. are at the participants‘ own expense.
For any further inquiries concerning the course, please do not hesitate to contact us via courses@epos.org