25-26 November 2022
Speising Orthopaedic Hospital, Vienna, Austria
EPOS ADVANCED COURSE - Pediatrics Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
EPOS ADVANCED COURSE – Pediatrics Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
- Dates: 25-26 November 2022
- Scientific Programme: Scientific Programme | 9 pages | 57.7 Kb
- Case presentation instructions: PDF Document | 1 pages | 996Kb
- Description: The course is aimed at paediatric orthopaedic surgeons, residents and fellows who want to improve their understanding of paediatric hand and upper extremity surgery. Several renewed experts in the field will deliver multiple lectures addressing all aspect of hand upper extremity pathologies, including diagnosis, surgical treatment and management of complications. The program will include congenital, posttraumatic deformities and obstetrical brachial plexus palsy topics.
- CME accreditation: 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) have been accredited for the course. Please note that each medical specialist should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
- Venue: Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna (Austria)
- Registration: https://otcommunity.m-anage.com/Home/Index/Event/nov22/en-GB
- Registration fees**:
- Early registration fees incl. 10% Austrian VAT (valid until Monday 31st of October):
- Participants EUR 450.00
- EPOS members* 350.00
- Residents* EUR 300.00
- Late registration fees incl. 10% Austrian VAT (no onsite registration possibility and valid as of Tuesday 1st of November):
- Participants EUR 550.00
- EPOS members EUR 450.00
- Residents * EUR 400.00
* Proof needs to be uploaded depending on the registration category chosen
* Coffee and lunch during the course are included in the course fee. Expenses related to flights, accommodation, airport transfers, dinners etc. are at the participants' own expense.