EPOS ADVANCED COURSE - Clubfoot - Aiming for Perfect, from Diagnosis to Treatment
26-27 September 2024 Holiday Inn Porto Gaia, Rua Diogo de Macedo 220, 4400-107 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

EPOS ADVANCED COURSE - Clubfoot - Aiming for Perfect, from Diagnosis to Treatment

EPOS ADVANCED COURSE - Clubfoot - Aiming for Perfect,  from Diagnosis to Treatment

  • Dates: 26-27 September 2024, 
  • Venue: Holiday Inn Porto Gaia
                 Rua Diogo de Macedo 220 
                 4400-107 Vila Nova de Gaia
  • E-survey & Certificates: The e-survey as well as course certificates can be found on the course registration platform: https://otcommunity.m-anage.com/Login.aspx?event=sept2024 
    You will be able to complete the e-evaluation form ONLY via the registration platform and AFTER the course is over. There will be a module called Session Evaluation/CME Certificate; by clicking it, you are able to evaluate all the session modules you have participated in.
    Once you have completed the evaluations, your CME certificate will be generated automatically so that you are able to download it. Please scroll in the end of the evaluation page to find the download links for your certificates.
    You will have two weeks’ time to complete the evaluations after the course and to receive your CME certificate. After that, it is no longer possible for you to download your CME certificate.
    Important! For those participants whose registrations were purchased by a third party, e.g. agency, and you do not have any login details to EPOS course registration platform. In that case, you will need to request the agency to provide you with their login details so that you have access to your registration details, you can evaluate the course and download your certificates.
  • Scientific Programme: Scientific Programme | 9 pages | 735 KB | Print version | 9 pages | 775 KB
  • Instructions for case presentations: PDF Document | 1 page | 58 KB 
  • CME accreditation: The course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)for a maximum of 11.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).  
  • Highlights of the course: 
    • Clubfoot Pathoanatomy and Biomechanics 
    • Ponseti Method: Fundamental Knowledge and Skills 
    • Management of Complex Clubfeet 
    • Ponseti Casting, Tenotomy and Bracing 
    • Recognition and Treatment of Recurrences 
    • Surgical solutions for residual or very resistant deformities 
    • Detailed technical notes on casting, bracing, tenotomy and surgical Techniques   
  • Accommodation – Participants:
    • The participants will have a discount of 10% in the best available rate.
    • Reservations have to be asked directly through the email reservas@hiportogaia.com as EPOS will not act as an intermediary.
    • In the email it has to be mentioned the reference: “EPOS Course”.
    • A credit card will be required as a guarantee during the reservation.
    • The confirmation of the requested rooms is always depending on the hotel’s availability.
    • Payment: direct at the hotel.
  • Registration: The course is sold out and we are no longer able to accept new registration. If you would like be added on the waiting list in case we’ll receive last minute cancellations, please send an email to courses@epos.org
  • Registration fees**:
  • Early registration fees* (valid until 1st of September 23:59): 
    • Participants EUR 450.00
    • EPOS members**  EUR 350.00 
    • FEPOS** EUR 350.00
    • Residents** EUR 300.00 
  • Late registration fees (valid as of 2nd of September. No registration possible onsite!):
    • Participants EUR 550.00 
    • EPOS members** EUR 450.00 
    • FEPOS** EUR 450.00
    • Residents** EUR 400.00  

* The early registration fee is only when the payment is made before the early registration deadline.         
** Proof needs to be uploaded depending on the registration category chosen.