8th EPOS BAT Instructional Course Part II - Paediatric Trauma Course
- Dates: 20-22 November 2024,
- Venue: Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria
- Scientific Programme: PDF Document | 11 pages | 1004 KB | Print version: PDF Document | 11 pages | 851 KB
- How to submit a case presentation: PDF Document | 1 page | 59,7 KB |
- CME accreditation: The course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 15.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
- Registration:The course is sold out with 150 participants, and we are no longer able to accept new registrations. If you would like be added on the waiting list in case we’ll receive last minute cancellations, please send an email to courses@epos.org
- Registration fees (incl. 10% Austrian VAT)**:
- Early registration* (valid until Sunday 20th of October 23h59 CET):
- Participants EUR 600.00
- EPOS & FEPOS members** EUR 500.00
- Residents** EUR 450.00
- Late registration fees (Valid as of Monday 21st of October. No onsite registration!):
- Participants EUR 700.00
- EPOS & FEPOS members** EUR 600.00
- Residents** EUR 500.00
* Course dinner***: EUR 50.00
*The early registration fee is only when the payment is made before the early registration deadline.
** Proof needs to be uploaded depending on the registration category chosen.
*** Course Dinner: Will be held on Wednesday 20th of November at 19h30. Interested participants may buy a ticket via the course registration platform.
For any further inquiries concerning the course, please do not hesitate to contact us via courses@epos.org