12-14 October 2022
Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria
- Dates: 12-14 October 2022
- Venue: Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria
- Registration: The course is sold out with 150 places. If you did not get your place at the course and would like to be added on the waiting list in case we have any last minute cancellations, please email us to courses@epos.org and we will inform you in case any places free up.
- CME accreditation: The course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 20 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
- MedTech Compliance: The course is compliant with the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice.
- Scientific Programme : PDF Document | 10 pages | 1,06 Mb
- Case presentation instructions: PDF Document | 1 page | 57 Kb
- Registration fees**:
- Early registration fees incl. 10% Austrian VAT (valid until Sunday 18th of September):
- Participants EUR 500.00
- EPOS members* EUR 400.00
- Residents* EUR 350.00
- Late registration fees incl. 10% Austrian VAT (valid as of Monday 19th of September (no onsite registration possible!):
- Participants EUR 550.00
- EPOS members EUR* 450.00
- Residents * EUR 400.00
- * Proof needs to be uploaded depending on the registration category chosen * Coffee and lunch during the course are included in the course fee. Transportation such as flights, accommodation, airport transfers, dinners etc. are at the participants' own expense.
- Course Dinner: Will be held on Wednesday 12th of October at 20h00. Fee is 40 euros/person. Interested participants may buy a ticket via the course registration platform. Registration for course dinner
- Highlights of the Course:
- Development and growth
- Bone Metabolism
- Clinical Examination
- Genetic Diseases
- Hip Disorders
- Foot Disorders
- Lower Limb Deformity
- Limb Length Discrepancy
- Methods of learning:
- Theoretical Lectures
- Controversial Issues
- Techniques in Paediatric Orthopaedics
- Expert Lecture
- Case Discussions
- Workshops
- Language: English, no translation available
- Contact: EPOS Courses | courses@epos.org |