37th Annual Meeting, Oslo (Norway) 2018 EPOS awards

Best Clinical Podium Presentation

A Reliability and Validity Study for Different Coronal Angles using Ultrasound Imaging in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Rob Brink | The Netherlands

Best Basic Science Podium Presentation

Percutaneous supra-acetabular perforations in growing rabbits: a new potential treatment for residual acetabular dysplasia
Ibrahim Saliba | Lebanon

Best Poster / E-poster

Return to Sport and Reoperation Rates in Patients Under the Age of 20 Following Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Risk Profile Comparing Three Patient Groups Predicated Upon Skeletal Age
Daniel Green | USA

36th Annual Meeting, Barcelona (Spain) 2017 EPOSNA awards

EPOSNA Best Basic Science Award

Research for fetal myelomeningocele repair.
C. Fontecha, M. Codinach, J. Peiro | Spain

EPOSNA Best Clinical Award

Genome and virulence determinants of Staphilococcus Aureus causing acute hematogenous osteomyelitis.
A. Collins, N. Tareen, MS. Kim, E. Wakeland, P. Raj, K. Mercadante, L. Copeley | USA

EPOSNA Best e-Poster Award

Outcome of conservative versus surgical treatment of humeral shaft fracture in children and adolescents: comparison between nonoperative treatment, external fixation and elastic stable intramedullary nailing.
A. Andreacchio, F. Canavese, L. Marengo, M. Cravino, C. Origo | Italy, France

EPOSNA Best Paper Poster Award

Incidence of acetabular dysplasia in breech infants following initially normal ultrasound: the effects of variable diagnostic criteria.
C. Buralis, C. Price, W. Sankar | USA

EPOSNA Best Trauma Paper

What is an acceptable reduction for supracondylar humerus fractures in children?
U. Narayanan, W. Wood, Y. Tan, J. Turner, A. Gangwar | Canada

2017 QSVI Award

Significant reductions in surgical site infection (SSI) in spinal fusion patients using a bundled intervention.
A. McIntosh, K. Wilder | USA

35th Annual Meeting, Rome (Italy) 2016 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Predrag Klisic Award

Bone antibiotic bioavailability in skeletally immature animal. A pharmacokinetic study.
C. G. Fontecha, J.A. Porcel Vázquez, C. Gilabert Carbajo, P. Soler Palacín, A. Fernández Polo, M.J. Melià Grimal, R. Martí Seves, J. J. González López, M.N. Larrosa Escartín | Spain

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

MRI evaluation of ewing’s tumours. Radiological and anatomical correlation.
J. Sales de Gauzy, L. Destombes, A. Brouchet, J. Vial, C. Baunin, C. Thevenin Lemoine, F. Accadbled | France

Abduction bracing versus natural history in hip dysplasia: multicenter randomized controlled trial.
V. Pollet, R. Sakkers, E. Beek, C. Uiterwaal, M. van de Sande, M. Witbreuk, A. Mostert, A. Besselaar, R. Castelein | Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Zwolle, Eindhoven | The Netherlands

Best Paper poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Interobserver and intraobserver variability with the IHDI (International Hip Dysplasia Institute) classification: a comparison between different levels of expertise.
D. Farrington | Spain

34th Annual Meeting, Marseille (France) 2015 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Predrag Klisic Award

A Combination of Sclerostin Antibody and Zolendronic Acid Treatment Outperforms either Treatment alone in Mouse Model of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
D. Little, L. Peacock, K. Mikulec, M. Kneissel, I. Kramer, T. Cheng, A. Schnideler, C. Munns | Australia

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

Evolution of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Results of a 20 Year Follow Up Study.
S. Pesenti, B. Blondel, E. Peltier, C. Morin, J. Sales de Gauzy, S. Wolff, A. Chalopin, J-L. Jouve | France

Best Paper poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Risk Factors for Developing Dysplasia of the femoral Trochlea in Newborns.
C. Øye, K. Holen, O. Foss | Norway

33rd Annual Meeting, Bruges (Belgium) 2014 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Pedrag Klisic Award

Age dependent normal values for bony cartilaginous and labral coverage in the pediatric hip measured on MRI.
H. Peter Huber | Switzerland

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

Characterization of hip morphology in children with Mucopolysaccahridosis type I/II.
M. Baker | United Kingdom

Best poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Reconstruction using induced membrane technique after segmental bone resection of primitive malignant bone tumors in children.
C. Thevenin-Lemoine | France

32nd Annual Meeting, Athens (Greece) 2013 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Predrag Klisic Award

Guided femoral rotational growth in an animal model.
E. Bar-On, A. Arami, A. Herman, S. Velkes, S. Heller | Israel

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

Percutaneous pin removal in children in the outpatient setting: is analgesia necessary?
KB Lim, SS Tan, SN Abdullah, LL Ong, ML Wong, JC Allen | Singapore

Best Paper poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

MRI changes in calf muscles of cerebral palsy (CP) patients after BoNT-A injections. Preliminary report.
P. Lascombes, G. De Coulon, F. Canavese, R. Dayer, E. Merlini | Switzerland, France

31st Annual Meeting, Helsinki (Finland) 2012 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Predrag Klisic Award

Growth Control of Long Bones can be Achieved with 8 Plates: An Experimental Study.
M. Gottliebsen | Aarhus, Denmark

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

The Changing Epidemiology of Perthes Disease in Liverpool: An analysis of 34 years of geographic and temporal trends.
D. Perry | United Kingdom

Best Paper poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Scoliosis after Resection of Malignant Tumours of the Chest Wall in Children: a French Multicentric Study.
F. Chotel | France

30th Annual Meeting, Basel (Switzerland) 2011 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Pedrag Klisic Award

Surface anatomy of the distal femoral physis with regards to distal femoral fixation.
R. W. Liu, D. G. Armstrong, A. D. Levine, A. Gilmore, G. H. Thompson, D. R. Cooperman | USA

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

The tamponade effect of unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis.
J. Herrera Soto, A. E. Crepeau, M. Birnbaum, J. Albright, K. L. Vander Have | USA

Best poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Should patients with radio-ulnar synostosis be referred for a haematological evaluation? Initial results from a hematology screening / registry program.
M. M Ruisi, E. Jessica, D. Green, B. Oiyemhonlan, S. Shah, B. T. Kile, R. Burt, A. Thompson, J. B. Bussel | USA

29th Annual Meeting, Zagreb (Croatia) 2010 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Pedrag Klisic Award

Enhanced bone regeneration with COMP-angiopoietin-1 functional nanoparticle-hydrogel complex in a rat model of distraction osteogenesis.
J. Ryul Kim, S. Jung Yun | South Korea

Effects of T1-T12 dorsal arthrodesis on thoracic cage and chest organs. Anatomical, histological and radiological study on pre-pubertal New Zealand white rabbits.
F. Canavese, A. Dimeglio, F. Cavalli, M. Stebel, A. Prandi, M. Galeotti, B. Canavese | Italy, France

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

Variation in Diagnostic Criteria for DDH among Orthopaedic Surgeons.
A. Roposch, L. Liu, F. Hefti, NMP Clarke, J. Wedge | United Kingdom

Best poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

A comparison of radiological parameters following pectus excavatum correction using a modified Brown and Ravitch method.
S. Zacha, M Kolban | Poland

28th Annual Meeting, Lisboa (Portugal) 2009 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Pedrag Klisic Award

Comp-Angiopoietin-1 ameliorates surgery-induced ischemic necrosis of the femoral head in rats.
J. Ryul Kim | South Korea

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award

Development of spasticity with age in a total population of children with cerebral palsy. 
G. Hägglund | Sweden

Best poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Comparative study between open arthrotomy versus arthroscopic drainage in the treatment of acute septic arthritis of the hip in children. 
A. Mounir Moustafa El-Sayed | Egypt

27th Annual Meeting, Warsaw (Poland) 2008 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Pedrag Klisic Award

Fetal surgery of myelomeningocele by fetoscopy in the ovine fetus. 
C. G. Fontecha | Spain

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award 

Complications of extendable prosthesis in children who survive longer than 10 years. 
F. Chotel | France

Best poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Complications of the displaced fractures of the radial neck in children : 96 cases treated with elastic intramedullary nailing.
P. Journeau | France

26th Annual Meeting, Sorrento (Italy) 2007 awards

Best Basic Science Paper – Pedrag Klisic Award

Dorsal arthrodesis of thoracic spine and effect on thorax growth in prepubertal New Zeland white rabbits.
F. Canavese, A.Dimeglio, D. Volpatti, JP. Daures, B. Canavese, F. Cavalli | France, Italy

Best Clinical Science Paper – John Sharrard Award 

Outcome at 45 years after open reduction and innominate osteotomy for late-presenting developmental dislocation of the hip.
S. Thomas, J. Wedge, R. Salter | United Kingdom, Canada

Best poster – Jürgen Baumann Award

Intraoperative measurement of muscle properties reveal a relationship between muscle remodelling and contracture formation. 
E. Ponten | Sweden